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Influence of Antonio's Dreams in Bless me Ultima Essay


In Rudolfo Anayas novel Bless Me Ultima, the basic point of the novel in my perspective is the growth of the main character Antonio. Antonio has three main dreams in the story, and each one of them meaning something and showing something bout him.

In Antonios first dream he sees a baby being born, but it was later in the dream when he realized the mother was his own. Its quite amazing how Antonio can remember his birth and the events that happened that day. He remembers that his fathers side of the family and his mothers side of the family got into an argument about what Antonio was going to do when he gets older. This is when you first start to realize that Antonio is going to have to make a major decision somewhere in the novel. This is also when Antonio shows us that Ultima has some sort of amazing power.

In Antonios second dream he sees that all three of his brothers take after their fathers side of the family. Even though they all take after their dad, they told Antonio he was going to take after his moms side of the family. This was bad because his fathers family were vaqueros and his mothers side were lunas and they did not get along together at all. These dreams were helping him discover what he was going to grow to be.

Antonio was so torn because both of his parents wanted different things for him. Between the dreams and throughout the story Antonio starts choosing his own way rather than letting his parents choose first. His brothers put alot of pressure on him because they told Antonio that they could not follow their father after all and that only Antonio can follow in any of their footsteps. Antonio started to realize that he was growing up and could make his own decisions once he got put a year ahead in school.

In Antonios third dream Ultima helps him discover who he truly is. This shows him the truth that he does not have to choose between being a Vaquero or a Luna. This is Ultima telling him it does not matter where he comes from to do what he wants to do.

In this story Ultima was close to Antonio and taught Antonio that he could do whatever he wanted to do. Later in the story even Antonios dad said that he could do whatever he wanted so that is exactly what he decided to do. He grew up quite a bit and decided to try and start his own religion. He found out that he can choose his own way and does not need to do in either one of his parents footsteps for them to be proud of him.

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