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Leadership in Macbeth Essay


A leader is a person who leads a team, or a country, a person who is responsible for the team or a country he or she leads. There are always two types of leader, a positive and a negative leader. A positive leader always cares about his country and his people. A negative leader is usually a selfish man, who acts like a tyrant, and doesnt care his people. There are two leaders in the play of William Shakespeare, Macbeth. These two leaders share a lot of differences in leadership, situation in the country and trust to people, which effects their live and kingships.

First main difference between Duncan and Macbeth is in leadership. Firstly, Macbeth doesnt have helpers who could help him in his kingship, while during Duncans kingship he has a lot of people who always help him. Macbeth is the only one who has power and control over the country. On the other hand, Duncan has a lot of helpers whom he always listens to, and who helps him in his decision making. Secondly, during Duncans kingship he really cares about his country and his people, he rules the country very wisely with help from his kinsmen and noblemen. During Macbeths kingship he acts like a tyrant. The economic level in his country is very low, and the level of poverty is very high. Macbeth shows us that he is very selfish and unwise king who cannot control his country. Thirdly, during Macbeths kingship he is afraid that certain people want to take away his kingship. That makes him become paranoid and crazy. His paranoia makes him kill people he suspects. During Duncans kingship he trusts his people, doesnt suspect anyone in taking away his kingship. That makes him good king, and makes him stay stable in his mind. These examples show that Duncan and Macbeth are very different in terms of leadership.

Second main difference between Duncan and Macbeth is the situation in the country during their kingships. Firstly, when Duncan is a king everyone in the country feels safe and doesnt scare of anything, while during Macbeths kingship the situation in the country is totally different. People are scared to walk alone in a dark time, and even in a day time. People always have a weapon with them. During Duncans kingship everyone in the country are happy, dont keep their weapons with them all the time because they feel safe. Secondly, the population during Macbeths kingship decreases, when during Duncans times its stable. During Macbeths times people live in a fear of everything, they are trying to protect themselves as good as they can. People always have their weapon with them that increases the crime rate and the death rate in the country. During Duncans kingship people live in peace, less violence occurs on the streets, the death rate and crime rate is very low. Thirdly, in times of Macbeth the country faces more problems with poverty than in times of Duncan. During Macbeths kingship people dont feel well because they dont get enough sleep and food, while during Duncans kingship people feel well, het enough food and sleep, and poverty is very low. These examples show that the situation in the country is totally different during both kings.

Third main difference between two kings is trust to people. Macbeth is a person who doesnt trust a lot of people; he suspects them in taking away his kingship. On the other hand, Duncan is a person who trusts his kinsmen and his people. Macbeths suspicion to his people made him paranoid, and became a reason why he became evil and started to kill innocent people. Duncan doesnt suspect anyone in taking away his kingship. He trusts his people, stays stable in his mind, and doesnt kill innocent people for no reason. Macbeths suspicion to people made him a tragic hero; he lost his family, friends, and conscience. Duncans trust to people made him a

good, responsible king, who has his family, friends, and conscience, and whom everyone likes. That is how Duncan and Macbeth different in trust to people, and how it affect their personalities.

If a leader has good leadership skills, it allows him to control situation in the country in a good, and also in a bad way. Two leaders in the play of William Shakespeare, Macbeth have lots of differences in leadership, situation in the country and trust to people which shows how differently it effects their live, country and people around them. The way leaders lead their team or a country, the way they behave, their own personalities can really affect people the lead and themselves too. In the play Macbeth is shown a good example of two different leaders and how different they are, and how the change the country and themselves.

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