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Ambition in Macbeth Essay


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Macbeth is largely motivated by his own ambition in planning and carrying out the murder of King Duncan. Discuss.

In Shakespeares play Macbeth, one could argue that Macbeth is motivated to commit his evil acts by three forces. For example, the witches in the play give him the first idea that he will be king. In addition, his own ambition starts to take over later in the play. Lastly, Lady Macbeth pushed and provoked him constantly to commit these evils. So even though Macbeth committed these acts, there was more influence than just his own motivation.

The three witches in the play are a major influence on Macbeth. For example, they tell him that he will be the Thane of Cawdor and it comes true ,proving the witches right of their prophecies. All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! (act 1 scene 3). But how of Cawdor? The Thane of Cawdor lives, (act I. scene 3). call thee Thane of Cawdor: (act1.scene3). Also, they tell him none of woman born can kill him, this making him feel in-stoppable. The power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth. (act 4 scene 1). In the end they basically plant the seed of ambition for Macbeth to commit those evil crimes.

Secondly, its his own ambition to become king and to sit on the throne of Scotland. One way he proves this is killing his best friend Banquo, because he wants to keep the throne and the witches said Banquos sons would be kings. It is concluded: Banquo, thy souls flight (act 3 scene ). Furthermore he starts to murder innocent women and children. He has killd me, mother (act4.scene2.). This, consequently, costs Macbeth his life due to his power overpowering him and his carelessness of killing. Of this dead butcher (act5.scene9).

Lastly, Lady Macbeth is a huge factor in Macbeths evil acts. For instance, she is the one who starts off this tragedy. She pushes him for her satisfaction of being queen. And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top-full (act1.scene4). In addition to this she constantly questions his manhood making him feel like a coward if he doesnt commit this act. They have made themselves, and that their fitness now does unmake you. (act 1.scene7.). Lastly, she makes up an entire plan for Macbeth to kill Duncan (the king). We Fail! Of our great quell? (act1.scene7.).

I Lady Macbeth, all through the play, was the main cause of Macbeth' s downfall. This is because even though Macbeth did the crimes and the witches gave him the idea, Lady Macbeth seemed to know Macbeths weakness from the start. If she had not convinced him to kill Duncan, then none of this whole mess would have started. Macbeth did not want to kill his king. Although he wanted the throne he did not really want to do that because he swore an oath to protect his king. Also he had no problems with the king. But Lady Macbeth just wanted the title of being queen so she convinced him to murder the king and start this whole chain of unnatural events resulting in a tragedy.

In conclusion, Macbeth did have three other forces that motivated him to commit his evil acts and bring a whole lot of chaos to Scotland. The three forces; the witches prophecies of him being king and planting the seed, his own ambition to be king and hold that title and Lady Macbeths constant pushing and well thought of plans all added to his motivation of committing these many evil crimes. Although in the end

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