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Responsibility in Macbeth Essay


Thou art not tragic if thou art not responsible

According to the world, Richard Nixon is considered an ambitious phony. To be frank, that is quite true, for Nixon did after all cheated his way into re-election. A few days after his dark secret was exploited, he shamefully resigned and went down in history as the closest thing to a Tyrant the U.S had ever known. Nixon wasnt much different than Macbeth; both fit under the same category a tragic hero who caused their own downfall, not by fate, but by choosing wrong. These once honorable leaders were soon corrupted by the fatal flaw of ambition, and thus, fell quickly into a downward spiral due to errors on their own part. In the play Macbeth, William Shakespeare loosely explains how Macbeth fits under the role of a tragic hero.

One of the few characteristics of qualifying as a tragic hero is not being a victim of fate. After learning Malcolm is to become The Prince of Cumberland, Macbeth asks himself That is a step/On which I must fall down or else oerleap,/For in my way it lies (I.iv.55-57). Macbeths decision brings up the motif that humans are able to choose from right and wrong. He is not a victim of fate because clearly, he has the ability to select his path. In this case, Macbeth follows the path of his prediction, not because he was told he will be king, but because his flaw of being ambitious pushed him towards the path he has chosen. Also, since Macbeth was presented with an opportunity to become King, he, like many others, took it by their own will. Macbeths human quality to choose a path further provides evidence that Macbeth is not a victim of fate, and therefore qualifies as a tragic hero. Afterwards, Macbeth is convinces himself that there is no spur/To prick the sides of my intent, but only/Vaulting ambition, which oerleaps itself (I.vii.25-28) Shakespeare illustrates how Macbeth makes rational decisions, making Macbeth a very sane character. Macbeth is able to justify his actions, and was temporary able to convince himself he will not go along with the plan to kill Duncan. His ambition, a flaw which Macbeth possess, was the only thing plus Lady Macbeth that kept Macbeth from turning the other way and not choosing to kill Duncan. The witches merely told Macbeth what his fate was to become, but Macbeth ultimately chose the final decision to kill Duncan, not fate. Since Macbeth is clearly not controlled by his destiny, he fits a partial role of a tragic hero.

Making choices is only part of being a tragic hero. The choices a tragic hero makes are the

Will all great Neptunes ocean wash this blood

Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather

The multitudinous seas incarnadine,

Making the green one red


With Macbeth, William Shakespeare explains why the choices Macbeth had chosen were the wrong ones. By killing Duncan, Macbeth is cursed with guilt and is unable to clean the blood of his hands, rather, hell make Neptunes seas red. Macbeth was clearly rational when he decided to kill Duncan and was even considering not to. However, he ended up choosing to kill Duncan knowing it was a wrong and ended up being dooming himself mentally forever. The murder is an example of one of Macbeths errors that caused Macbeth to fall down the path of a tragic hero because those considered tragic are require to create suffering by their own choices. With the death of Duncan and later Banquo, Macbeth is in blood stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go oer (III.iv.168-170). Macbeth was mentally destroyed by the death of Duncan and after killing Banquo, Macbeth is now in a path where blood is the only answer. It was a great error to kill Banquo, not because it further Macbeth into guilt, but because he lost the trust of all of his servants. Since Macbeth lost all of his followers, it is now inevitable to defend himself from a rebellion or revolt, and the king has now isolated himself from society. Banquos death was further evidence that Macbeth makes all the wrong decisions which lead him more into what writers call a tragic hero.

Despite creating their own tragedies, tragic heroes are reborn and slowly realize what they did was wrong. While discussing Banquos death with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth admits that Treason has done his worst; nor steel nor poison,/Malice domestic, foreign levy,nothing (III.ii.27-28). Shakespeare personifies treason as a villain that is responsible for the suffering Macbeth has endured. Macbeth realized that when he betrayed Duncan, fate was not responsible. Treason was what caused the fall of Macbeth. Seeing that Macbeth realizes that committing treason was his error, he is reborn and is enlightened by knowing that he himself was responsible for his own suffering. Near the end of the play, Macbeth compares his life to a king,

And that which should accompany old age,

As honor, love, obedience, troops of friends,

I must not look to have, but in their stead

Curses, not loud but deep


Macbeth will not be able to die like a king. He has no men, no honor, no loyalty and no love. Instead of having these luxuries of a king, he has an overwhelming guilt all because he killed Duncan. Macbeth realizes that since he performed many acts of evil, he will not receive good consequences but rather a life of sorrow and depression. On account of understanding what he did was unsound and evil, he accepts that he deserves these and therefore, is considered a classic tragic hero.

With the death of Macbeth, William Shakespeare shows an insight of a perfect example of a classic tragic hero. Despite bending a few rules, Shakespeare illustrates that if a character is not held by fate, causes their own downfalls and realizing it was their own fault, they are what many call a tragic hero. Being a tragic hero isnt limited to just stories or plays, but can be applied in the real world as well. Richard Nixon was thought to be a great man, but after following the same road Macbeth had taken, they both found themselves destroyed by guilt, and are now considered, Tragic Heroes.

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