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Characters in Of Mice And Men Essay


Of Mice and Men 5 Paragraph Essay

Loneliness is someone who is alone all the time, and has no one to talk to. In the story Of Mice and Men, three characters face loneliness everyday. Steinbeck vividly shows this strongly. Curleys wife, Crooks and Candy are the loneliness people in this novel.

Curleys wife is lonely because she is the only women on the farm, and has no other girls to talk to. Shes married to Curley who she never really loved and because shes married she cant follow her dream of being a movie star. For instance Curley says to her Whynt you tell her to stay the hell home where she belongs? (P.62) This shows no one wants Curleys wife around, she doesnt even have her own name. Curleys wife gave up her dreams to be secluded for the rest of her life on the ranch.

Crooks is lonely because he suffers discrimination from the workers on the ranch. He suffers because he is the only African American on the farm. While all the other workers get to sleep in the bunk house, Crooks has to sleep in the barn with no one. Crooks told Lennie Cause Im black. They say I stink. (P.75) Crooks is lonely because the workers are discriminating against him because he is black.

Candy the swamper is lonely because he is the oldest worker on the farm. No one wants to be his friend. Candy had no family and without his dog he has nothing. When Carlson suggests shooting Candys dog, Candy was heartbroken. Once he heard the gun shot he was shattered with pain. Rolled slowly over and faced the wall and lay in silence. (P. 54) This quote shows that Candy is extremely upset that his only friend is now gone. When Candy found out Lennie and George were planning on getting a farm Candy was thrilled because he had nothing else to look for. When Lennie died Candy knew the dream of having that farm would never come true. Candy is the loneliest at this point because he has no one.

These three characters really need a friend on the ranch. Each one of them have nothing. There are a lot of lonely people in the world and all need a friend. Curleys wife, Crooks and Candy are the loneness people in this novel.

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