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Commentary on Of Mice and Men Essay


According to a Turkish Proverb, A good companion shortens the longest road. This companion is someone who must truly believe in and help the other individual accomplish his or her dream. In John Steinbecks classic novel, Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck uses Crooks segregation from society, Curleys dysfunctional marital relationship, and Georges responsibility to care for Lennie, to show that the absence of a healthy relationship will prevent one from pursuing their dream.

First, Crooks dream is to feel a sense of belonging, and segregation denies him the ability to find a relationship that will help him achieve a status comparable to whites. Feeling left out, Crooks comments, I aint wanted in the bunk house Cause Im black. They play cards in there, but I cant play because Im black. They say I stink. (67). In a segregated society, a relationship that will be of an advantage to a minority is difficult to find. Even if a helpful relationship is found, dreams will be difficult to pursue because society doesnt provide blacks the same opportunities as whites.

Second, the unhealthy marital relationship between Curley and his wife ruins her dream of becoming a Hollywood movie star. Curleys wife admits her disgust and feeling of being controlled when she says, I dont like Curley. He aint a nice fella but I cant talk to nobody but Curley. Else he gets mad, (86). Curley and his wife have a dysfunctional relationship. He controls her every move, leaving her nowhere to turn for help. This unhealthy marital relationship is barring Curleys wife from being her own person and pursuing her dreams.

Finally, Georges responsibility to care for Lennie constrains his dream to possess his own ranch. George confesses his feelings to Lennie, saying, God, youre a lot of trouble, I could get along so easy and so nice if I didnt have you on my tail. (8). George and Lennie are companions, but have a different kind of relationship, one in which George is responsible for Lennies care. Because Lennie causes a lot of trouble to George, he inhibits Georges dream, ultimately leading to his own death. This murder is necessary to allow George to live freely and pursue his dream without the responsibility of caring for Lennie.

Absence of a healthy relationship will prevent one from pursuing a dream, as demonstrated by John Steinbeck in Of Mice and Men, through segregation, marital relationship, and a care taking relationship. A companion who is ineffective will hinder one from accomplishing a dream. However, a positive companion will lend a hand by shortening the long road to accomplishing a dream.

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