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Class in The Chocolate War Essay


The story The Chocolate War, by Robert Cormier, illustrates how the world is divided into two classes, the victims and the victimizers. The following quote depicts this, The world is made up of two kinds of people those who were the victims and those who victimized, (submitted under anonymous). One would have to agree with this statement because it is often true, the world is divided, and unfortunately, those who victimize appear to be treated better, due to the fact that others want to avoid becoming the victim themselves. My interpretation of this quote is simple; the world is usually divided into two groups. For example, the weak and the strong, the good and the evil and so on. This is no different, usually the tormented fall into the category of weak and the tormentor is categorized as strong. In truth the tormented is the strong one, he or she has endured much, the tormentor is usually a coward who lacks self-esteem and puts down others in an effort to empower his or her self.

The world is much more difficult for the victims because they are harassed and isolated. Although through this they can learn to endure and become stronger, the experience is still difficult and hurtful. Jerry from The Chocolate War was a victim of Archies sick mind. Jerry was harassed by Archies followers in the middle of the night who threw rocks at his window and taunted him constantly. He was also beaten up by several of his classmates at school after being made fun of by Emile Janza.

Those who victimize are the ones who are truly insecure about themselves. For example, Emile Janza is a very small and scrawny kid, who is not strong, but he does not want to be that way so he harasses and fights others to feel better about himself. Another victimizer is Archie; he puts on a cool exterior and acts like everything is under control, but when he is not in control he loses his nerve and does not think or talk as smoothly. Archie is not strong and cannot fight; his only power over others comes from fear. They are afraid he will give them an assignment or that the other people who are under his influence will harm them. If Archie could not instill fear in people the way he does, he might have become a victim himself.

The quote, The world is made up of two kinds of people those who were the victims and those who victimized, is unfortunately often true. One might wish that we could all be civil with one another. As long as there are insecure people in the world like Archie or Emile, terrorizing people like Jerry, this will most likely continue. These examples show how The Chocolate War relates to the quote and why this is often accurate.

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