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Relationships in The Crucible Essay


The Crucible

Throughout the story of the Crucible by Aruther Miller many bounds are broken, relationships put to the test, and death just like the meaning of crucible this story gets really heated up. For example, Mr.Parris endures the Salem, which projects were people are accused of witchcraft from his own church. As more and more people from his own church are put on trial this will permanently change their relationships forever.

Mr.Parris is the church leader of Salem village he is known to be a man of god, but it would look bad upon himself if there are witches in his church. Mr.Parris motivation is to make himself look good and keep a good image at all times There be no unnatural cause here and speak nothin of it in the village!(Miller.Pg9). Parris will obviously do everything in his power to keep his image safe at all cause.

Mr.Parris is the church leader of Salem so he has a relationship with most likely everyone in the village since religion was a very big part of someones life in this time period. During the trials everyones feelings start to change for the worse for him for example, John Proctor I like it not that Mr.Parris should lay his hand upon my baby. I see no light of God in that man(Miller.Pg65). Obviously his relationship with John Proctor has only gotten worse throughout the story as well do with many of the other villagers.

Mr.Parris is a church leader and since religion is again a very big deal of society in this time period most people will choose his word over others. During the courts Mr.Parris knows the truth, but he wants to protect his reputation and niece Abigail. He also beliefs that by mentioning anybodys name to the court they should be accused of witchcraft aswell. For example, Hes come to overthrow this court, Your Honor!(Miller.Pg92).

Throughout the story many relationships are destrpyed and even some people killed. But there is some justice Mr.Parris is kicked out the church and is never heard from again. Would you have had people killed just to protect your reputation? In conclusion, The Crucible was a very good book.

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