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Drama in The Crucible Essay


The Crucible is not a powerfully dramatic play? Do You Agree

The Crucible: written in 1950s set in Salem, North coast of America the play is based on events that occurred during the Salem witch trials between February 1692 and May 1693. When Miller wrote the play most Americans believed in The American Dream everyone has the chance to be happy, successful and rich if they worked hard.The US were in the middle of the cold war with the Soviet Union (a communist country), but some people thought that the US had been infilterated by communists. Arthur Miller was a communist; communists were one of the 3 groups on the political spectrum which split up the US, communists believed that everyone owns and shares control of the methods of production and everyone works as much as they can and claims what they need. So Miller used these witch trials as an allegory for the McCarthyism and the Red scare. This makes the play more interesting as the witch trials are being linked to more modern times, so people will understand how others felt in the witchtrial as well as the Red scare of the communists. On the other hand, people who were Capitalists at the time which who believe in a system based on private ownerships of property,buisness and industry with the aim of making the greatest possible profits for success. organisation and people; would disagree with the play as Arthur Miller has written the book based on the communists feelings, for example the bit in the play as he makes the charctor Giles Corey seem like a good heartened man as he worked all the time so he could claim and look after his own family. This is the exact role of a good communist so capatilists will be thinking that the charactors are wrong for wanting there own land and it just defeats the whole object of the play.

In my essay I am going to talk about the dramatic and undramatic effects Arthur Miller uses focusing on the charactors, setting, language and action.

Firstly Im going to explain why some people find the crucible undramatic. Many people would be put off the play straight away because of the language that is used, Archaic language is used throughout the play and readers may find this less dramatic as they dont understand the full concept of the text that their reading which also means that the dramatic points of the play will not be enhanced. Aye (Pg.55) Which actually means Yes this occurs throughout the play quite a lot so if someone didnt understand it the first time it might ruin the whole book for them. Other archaic language which is used it: Blink it (which means: Ignore it), There be (which means: there is) and much more.

The staging throughout the play is a main part in the way the audience reacts to the beginning of each act; however the repetitiveness of how the scenes are directed at the beginning is a real down point of the play and creates an un-dramatic atmosphere which would reflect of the audience and make them more bored. The beginning of act 1: As the curtain rises Reverend Parris discovers his daughter Betty Parris aged ten is lying on her bed inert.(Act 1, pg 1) So the stage is empty with just a bed with Betty on it and Reverend Parris praying, at the end of the scene, Proctor, Abigail,Parris, Rebecca,Giles, Tituba and Hale are all on stage. This is a significant contrast from just the conjured Betty and Reverend Parris of stage at the beginning of act 2. Then the sudden flooding of people entering the stage occurs aswell in Act 2. Beginning of Act 2: The common room of Proctors house at the right a door openingProctor enters .Elizabeth enters (Act 2, pg. 41) Yet again like act 1 it starts with just an empty stage, with just 2 charactors entering a calm and peaceful atmosphere. But like Act 1 at the end of Act 2 arguments happens and it ends up with a packed stage of: Proctor, Mary warren, and Giles Corey just left as well as Francis, Hale, Herrick, and Elizabeth. This repeating of the same scene directions would bore the audience and make them less interested as after the first two scenes they would realise the pattern and expect the beginning of the scene would be calm and placid and by the end of the scene clusters of people are on the stage. This also happens in Act 3. Surely Arthur Miller could vary the starts of his scenes?

The way the characters respond to each other throughout the play changes but at certain point it is ridiculous as Giles Corey, John Proctor and Reverend Parris are fighting over wood;

Parris: Where is my wood? My contract provides I be supplied with all my firewood. I am waiting since November I had to show my frostbitten hands like some London beggar,

Giles: You are allowed six pound a year to buy your wood, Mr. Parris,

Parris: I regard that six pound as part of my salary. I am paid little enough with out I spent six pound on firewood. (pg, 23) The audience may find this conversation pathetic because its over wood. Most people in the 21st century and before that time might think that having a huge shouting match over wood is a bit petty so it could make the audience distracted as they will be talking about how stupid it is fighting over wood and it would make them less gripped to the play and cause distraction over the story line, this would make it less tense and less dramatic.

Now Im going to talk about the characters which do not appeal to the audience as much as, I think Arthur Miller wanted them too, and im going to explain this according to their actions and behavior. Firstly Im going to talk about Elizabeth; although she is one of the main charactors in the book, she doesnt show much feeling or expression: He gets up,goes to her, kisses her. She recieves the kiss, with a certain disapointment,he returns to the table Elizabeth has no feeling inside her, this makes it less dramatic as the audience think that, John is right for going of with Abigail as he is getting no feeling from Elizabeth as shes very cold. This could be because she knows about Johns relationship with Abigail, but surely she would give John what he wants Sex to make sure he doesnt commit adultery again. This creates less effect as its like Elizabeth doesnt really mind much that John has commited adultry as there isnt much dialogue, with Elizabeth getting angry at John. This could make the audience confused because Elizabeth doesnt show much anger in him so the tension is reduced.

Secondly Hale, The so called Witch Speacialist enters Salem in which some people would call funny, but also annoying.

Parris: Mr Hale! Oh ! Its good to see you again (taking some books.) My theyre heavy.

Hale: ( settling down his books) they must be ; they are weighed with authority(pg.30) So much for a witch speacialist, as he just said in his own words all his knowledge is in the books from the government, this may reduce less drama as the witch trials are quiet serious, and having a character like, Hale being brought to the village is quiet irratating as more suspense would be created if a high authority man with no books and knowledge in his head about Witch craft.

Rebecca Nurse, the most religious people in the village, surely full of emotion and power. Strangley; all she ever speaks is words of wisdom, as it would to be hard to find any emotion in her at all Pray calm yourselves(pg.21) How can they calm down? A young child is laying there ill! Rebecca doesnt show much emotion and is a very plain character even though the whole village think highly of her and she always gets the most respect.

Although the Crucible has some undramatic points; its also filled with lots of dramatic monologue, charactors, scenes and tension which makes the play what it is today.So now Im going to anyalse the dramatic effects of the play. Firstly the entrances and exit which happens throughout the play;

Abigail: (in a temper) My name is good in the village! I will not have it said my name is soiled! Goody proctor is a gossiping liar.

Enter Mrs Ann Putnam

Parris:No I cannot have anyone, Why Goody Putnam,come in(pg.9)

The way that Goody Putnam entered in the middle of Parris and Abigails argument adds tension with in the audience and also suspicion as everyone is wondering if shed heard there argument before she had entered. Also Parris and Abigails argument is letting a secret out about the girls conjuring the spirits in the forest, so the audience will be gripped on the edge of their seats as they know whats happened but they dont think Goody Putnam knows so they are glued to the play to see what she heard. Miller has used the effect of dramatic irony to create a positive effect and draw the audience in

. Also the entrance of John Proctor between Mary Warren and Abi fighting:

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