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Heroism in Last Of The Mohicans Essay


In classical epics, such as Homers Iliad, warrior heroes are divine figures who are actively involved in battle and are known for their great strength and courage. In James Fenimore Coopers American epic, The Last of the Mohicans, Hawkeye and Uncas are the American versions of classical warrior heroes who embark on an epic quest to save two damsels in distress from Indians. Cora, although a women, similarly possesses the qualities of a classical hero, making her a heroine of the novel. This paper demonstrates how the books heroes and heroine both fit and depart from the mold of classical heroes and heroines.

Hawkeye is the American version of a classical warrior hero as he is highly competitive, his reputation as a skilled sharpshooter is publicly confirmed by the English army, and he demonstrates a desire to protect those more vulnerable than himself. Hawkeye is known as La Longe Carbine or the long rifle by the English army. Hawkeyes competitive nature is seen when the Indians challenged him to a shooting competition in which he has to use his long rifle to hit a gourd. The Indian tribe wanted Hawkeye to prove he was the well known and respected frontiersman who was renowned as supernaturally skilled with a long rifle. Hawkeye easily hits the gourd, but at first the Indians are in disbelief because they cannot find the bullet. In response, Hawkeye explains, if you would find the bullet of a sharpshooter of these woods, you must look in the object and not around it (310). When the Indian scout looked in the gourd sure enough there was a bullet hole. Hawkeye, similar to the classical warrior hero, also shows a deep desire to protect those who are vulnerable to savagery when he first shows up in the woods and saves Cora, Alice and Duncan from the Hurons who were intentionally leading the English army into a trap. Although he has the supernatural skill, values, and competitive nature of a classical hero, Hawkeye departs from the classical model in that his traits dont tend toward excesshe does not hold himself above othersand, despite being known as the Chief of the Palefaces, he does not descend from a royal bloodline or great race, like Uncas.

Uncas similarly exhibits characteristics of a warrior hero such as royal blood, supernatural qualities, and a desire to protect the vulnerable. Like the heroes of classical epics, he seems to come from royalty and he believes he is the last of his great race, the Mohicans. Uncas is not well known to the palefaces but the Indian chief, Tamenuad says he believes Uncas is the reincarnation of his grandfather. Tamenuad thinks this because his grandfathers name was also Uncas. Tamenuad even exclaims in the morning I saw the son of Unamis happy and strong; and yet, before the night has come, have I lived to see the last warrior of the wise race of the Mohicans (363-364). Although Uncas wasnt technically the last Mohican left, since there was Chingachgook, he was the only warrior left of his great race. Uncas, like the Odysseys Achilles, was a warrior who seemed destined by the fates of Hades to live a short life before his strings were cut in battle, bringing him to his end. He also possesses the classical heros characteristics of being fiercely protective of women and moving with Achilles incredible speed. He shows this in chapter XII when he uses his superhuman speed to protect Cora by bounding from his footsteps(113) and by darting through the air(113). Uncas similarly departs from the classical mold because, like Hawkeye, his dedication and heroic courage are never in excess and he does not show contempt to inferiors. This departure makes him an American warrior hero.

Although classical heroes are generally men, and classical women are typically trapped in their social expectations, this American epic differs from the classical epic in that there is also a heroine, Cora, who possesses courage, loyalty, and the desire to protect the vulnerable. Cora is brave even when surrounded by Mingo Indians, and she comforts Alice and protects her. Cora creates a plan to save the others but leaves herself vulnerable to capture. In the secret cave they were hiding in to escape from battle, Cora tells Hawkeye and the other men to escape while she and Alice stay with the wounded David Gamut. When Cora executes her masters plan she says Then try the river. Why linger to add the number of victims of our merciless enemies?(75). In other words, Cora knew that she and her sister would not be able to escape Magua and the other Indians outside the cave. Cora displays valor, willingly allowing herself to be caught so the other men can escape.

The Last of the Mohicans is a thrilling page-turner which focuses on the two godlike heros Hawkeye and Uncas and the fierce heroine Cora. Hawkeye and Uncas possess many of the qualities of the warrior heroes of classical epics while departing slightly from the classical mold, making them American warrior heroes while Cora, although female, demonstrates fierce protectiveness, creativeness, and courage making her a heroine of the American epic.

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