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Symbolism in The Shawl Essay


Women are naturally nurturing creatures. They will do anything to protect our children no matter the circumstance and situations we are in. In Cynthia Oznicks The Shawl the use of symbolism conveys the overall theme.

There are many definitions of love, but love cannot be defined by words it can only be proven and shown by the actions of a person. In The Shawl the love a mother has for her daughter is shown in more ways than one. There were many times in the story that Rosa has proven her love for her baby. Rosa has gave her baby most or all of her food so that she would be healthy. She has even

Everyone needs a sense of security in their life. In The Shawl Rosa and the shawl was Magda sense of security.

Since the beginning of time women have

Rosa used the only thing she had to hide her baby in which was a shawl. She had to also care for her jealous 14 year old niece, and also trying to hide a baby from the officers that would kill Magda if she would be discovered. Rosa often thought about everything that could happen to her baby, she knew that she could not hide her in the shawl forever. She even had thought that if her niece would get hungry enough, if the baby was to die Stella would try to eat the Magda. (Ozick, she searches for her daughter and when she found her, it was too late.

The shawl that Magda is wrapped up in is more then just something to hide and protect her. In Stellas eyes that shawl represents all of rosas love. Rosa gave most of her food to Magda so that she would serve, she protected her with that shawl, and what she cared most about in life was wrapped it that shawl. Stella wanted to be the one wrapped up in the shawl because of all those reasons and more. Rosa and Stella had only each other for a long time before Magda was born, so it was hard for her to understand that she wasnt Rosas main focus anymore. I think thats why Stella became jealous, she wasnt getting all the attention and love anymore

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