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The Tempest: A Classic and Contemporary Play Essay



Shakespeare's The Tempest play can be considered classic and contemporary.

It can be considered a contemporary play for many reasons.

First of all because it contains rebellion, treachery, mutiny, conspiracy and challenges to authority, (the main character is in the position of power (Prospero))

that are resolved at the end.

The play can also be seen as an allegory of colonial exploitation, representing the natives of the New World. And it can be recognized as a model of colonial relationships and a metaphor of colonial history.

The play also uses code switching between elevated literary language and "lower" forms, between high art and low art, characteristic of the contemporary literature. The play is also a comedy (tragi-comedy) play, which is characteristic of the contemporary literature.

As a contemporary play it emphasizes fragmentation in human experience of postmodern culture, and as an artistic strategy it emphasizes the permeability of old boundaries: between men and women; between the East and the West; between high and low culture. The play uses the representations of gender within Elizabethan society to compare and understand how the expectations and stereotypes of women have progressed over the years.

We can see in the play the contemporary significance or perceived future significance. And we can see the difference between a post-colonial reading, that wouldn't position Prospero as the victim of unjust betrayal and a traditional reading yes. As a contemporary play it can have different interpretations.

The play also raises questions about human limitations and spiritual possibilities. And is deeply considered a contemporary play because of his beauty, style, significance and distinguishable writing.

There are many different elements to a classic play or novel, which a number of authors can produce. Shakespeare was perhaps one the best known classic authors to generate such plays.

The Tempest is one of William Shakespeares plays that undeniably deserves to be considered a classic because of the use language to convey meaning. The way Shakespeare uses language in the play is the first reason for the play being considered a classic. One way the language skills are displayed is by putting depth meaning into a word.

The second reason for the play to be considered a classic is the moral lessons taught. The moral lessons being taught give The Tempest an additional reason for being a classic play. Alonsos change of character and attitude is one of the moral lessons taught in the play. Prosperos characteristics are also a final reason why he is a great character with a moral taught to put in a classic play. The way Prospero forgives is one example. An additional fixation is sacrificing all of his magical powers he acquired.

And the third most important reason that makes The Tempest a classic is the characteristics presented by Prospero. The final influence which gave the play a classic appeal. As Prospero appers as the perfect example of the man of the society of the 17th century. And everything he does reflects the classic society.

However, there are a lot of other different things that make The Tempest a classic. For example because of the period in which it was written, the seventeenth century age of exploration, the circumstances of its performance at court, and the context of the playwright's writing career suggest immediately some of its rich themes and ambiguities. Then the play can be read as Shakespeare's commentary on European exploration of new lands. Prospero lands on an island with a native inhabitant, Caliban, a being he considers savage and uncivilized.

In addition, this play provides a primary source perspective on 17th-century attitudes about imperialism. It was written in a colonial time.

It is also a classic because is timelessness, it can be enjoyed by readers from generation to generation. And Shakespeares works are enjoyed as much today as they were when they were first written, hundreds of years ago.

Also because of the different themes it have (The illusion of justice, the difficulty of distinguishing men from monsters, the allure of ruling a colony...) And the different questions that Shakespeare does,( about freedom, self-knowledge, order, responsibility, authority, forgiveness, grace...) it can also be considered a classic.

The play have an elegant language too - Prose so lyrical, words so descriptive, that one becomes lost in them. Some words have also a deeply meaning. The language skills presented by Shakespeare helped make the play seem fashionable and sophisticated.- characteristics of a classic.

The characters also - Memorable figures who have magic powers, magic creatures and a beautiful lady. Every one of them especial for different things- have a colonial project on them, classical role.

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