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Commentary on To Kill A Mocking Bird Essay


The story is set in Maycomb in the Southern states of America where there were many black people still living in segregation. In the time the story was set the people of Maycomb treated black people as a minority and referred to them as niggers Anybody who associated with black people were seen as nigger lovers and were also frowned upon and even discriminated. Maycomb is portrayed to be a very welcoming place for white people where as black people were not particularly welcome at all. To refer to someone of a different colour with a negative name such as a nigger is an act of racist prejudice and suggest that because someone is of a different colour or ethnicity that they should be treated with disrespect and ultimately treated inhumanly. The character Aunt Alexandra introduced in chapter 16 is a perfect example of the prejudice taking place against Atticus house keeper, Calpurnia. Dont talk like that in front them This quote from Aunt Alexandra suggest prejudice because she refers to Calpurnia as them suggesting that Calpurnia; a black woman, is treated as not human, maybe an alien and not that of any other white person in that time. Calpurnia is ultimately treated as a minority and seen less of that of a white person by some but not however by Atticus, Scout, Jem and Ms Maudie.

However, not everyone in the Maycomb community treats black people with racist prejudice and inequality and treats them with the respect they deserve as human beings. Atticus Finch, a lawyer in the Maycomb town is in a way more open minded than that of his community and sees that black people are humans and should be treated in the same way a white person would be treated. He believes in equality and what I believe he represents. Atticus Finch stands by his beliefs so much that he has no problem of fighting for Tom Robinson; a black man accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell, to save his life and prove his so obvious innocence to the blinded and naive jury and community.

In the trial of Tom Robinson, judging from his answers and his story, the impression he gives is one of a well mannered man and he means no harm. He is also portrayed as humble and calm regardless of the circumstances and his situation. However Ms Ewell sees Tom Robinson to be an easy target to make up a story and frame him and make everyone believe that he is a bad man just because he is of a different race. She believes she could sway the jury into thinking he committed the crime and that she is innocent because she is well aware of the towns prejudice and hatred towards black people.

When Tom Robinson answered a question from Ms Ewells lawyer why did you help her? Tom Robinson answered because I felt sorry for her. After this answer from Tom Robinson the jury and the lawyer were shocked and couldnt believe that a black man would feel sorry for a white woman (racial prejudice). You felt sorry for her, you felt sorry for her!?

Atticus knew Mr Robinson was an innocent man and probably knew that because of the jurys naivety and prejudice, they would see a black man guilty without question but he didnt give up and stood by what he believed in. The title of the story To Kill a Mockingbird is very significant to the case of Tom Robinson. Mockingbirds are seen to be innocent birds that mind their own business and dont harm anything or anyone. Harper Lee uses a Mockingbird as a metaphor to describe Tom Robinson as innocent and harmless. And to kill it would be immoral and totally unprovoked, like the community of Maycomb wanting to convict and kill Tom Robinson of something he clearly did not do.

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