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Virtue in Measure for Measure Essay


Virtue is a characteristic that shows a person to be righteous and to be of good works. A person of virtue is helpful and truthful, someone who sees the good is every thing Virtue is said to be a godly characteristic, a virtuous person is highly respected In Measure for Measure, the character Angelo is not a man of virtue.

Angelo is a man who puts pretends to be sincere and wants to do what is best. In reality, he is a liar, who uses his power to take advantage of people. In Act I, Duke Vincentio leaves Angelo in charge when he leaves. Angelo is seen as responsible man because Duke sees no better person for the job, however as time passes we see these qualities are not true.

In the beginning, Angelo is seen as honorable and a great choice for leading the city. Vienna is a city that is full pre-marital sex, and none of the citizens who have committed in this crime and sin are punished for their actions. Angelos first act as the temporary ruler of the city is to sentence Claudio, who is in trouble because he had pre-marital sex with his fiance and she became pregnant. They had intentions of becoming married, because Claudio couldnt wait, and was sentenced to death. No one prior to Claudio received this punishment.

We see now that Angelo has no regard for life or second chances. He feels that hes always right. Many people, eventually even the Duke, believe that Angelo is too harsh in this decision, but Angelo doesnt care. In many arguments with many different people, Angelo remains unwavering. These inconsiderate ways are completely opposite for someone who is said to be virtuous.

Further into the play, Claudios sister comes to Angelo to plead for mercy on her brothers behalf. Again, Angelo remains doesnt change his mind and insists that Claudio will be executed. Angelo suddenly falls in love with Isabella and wishes to be with her. He wants have sex with a woman who wishes to keep her virginity. When Isabella says refuses, Angelo tells her that by doing this she will free her brother. He uses his power and authority to attempt to persuade Isabella into the very thing hes having Claudio executed for. His want to partake in such hypocritical ways prevent him from being anything close to virtuous.

Angelo is a man of no virtue. He partakes in all these wrongdoings and shows no doesnt care until his scheme is revealed. When Isabella and Mariana tell Duke Vincentio what he has done in his absence, Angelo says that both women are liars. Mariana eventually reveals the truth of the matter. When Angelo becomes fearful, he breaks down and begs for forgiveness. Duke forces him to marry Mariana then considers giving him the death penalty. However, because Claudio isnt really dead, Angelos life isnt at stake.

In conclusion, in no way is Angelo virtuous. He is a manipulative person who has a problem with power. He uses his position to sway people to do what he wants them to do. A man of such horrible qualities can never be considered virtuous.

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