Pictures of Hollis Woods Study Guide

Pictures of Hollis Woods

Pictures of Hollis Woods by Patricia Reilly Giff

Hollis Woods - A 11-year-old orphan girl who keeps moving from family to family and has a talent to draw which moves through the story with her adventures.

The Regans - Old man, Izzy, and Steven. They want Hollis to be a part of her family even though she pushed them away.

Josie - An elderly retired art teacher who adores Hollis. She develops Alzheimer's disease.

Beatrice - Josie's cousin who owns a movie theater.

Henry - Josie's irritable cat.

Stucco Woman - A woman Hollis used to live with. She describes Hollis as a mountain of trouble.

Mustard Woman - A social worker responsible for finding Hollis a family.

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