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  • Beatty and Mildred in Fahrenheit 451


    Beatty and Mildred Alike or Different Everyone is different from each other In the book Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury Captain Beatty and Mildred have many differences but are still similar Beatty was once educated and Mildred was never educated Both of them suppress something they do not want other people to know Beatty and Mildred may seem like they are similar but they are different on many levels Beatty may look and act like a normal person but he is a completely different person on

  • A Corrupt Utopia in Fahrenheit 451


    A Corrupt Utopia A utopia is like a pack of robots For a utopia to be achieved then everyone would have to be basically programed and the exact same By taking away knowledge and books to make people happy then people end up truly unhappy but just dont realize it or rather dont have the knowledge to understand thats what they are feeling In the book Fahrenheit 451 they try to create a utopia but fail because of the conformed society they make which are truly unhappy A character Mildred is a perf

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