Edge Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Exile As An Enriching Experience in King Lear


    Exile as an Enriching Experience It is easy to say that exile is a terrible experience but when viewed at a different perspective it is plain to see that exile can be an enriching experience Edward Said focuses on the sadness of exile and yet states that exile can become a potent even enriching experience People have been enriched through exile in King Lear through self realization character insight and family ties King Lear is guilty of exiling and eventually becoming exiled himself By going t

  • Exile:The Road


    Edward Said once stated Exile is strangely compelling to think about but terrible to experience In Cormac McCarthys The Road the main characters are forced into a different type of exile The main characters experienced separation from humanity and a deep sense of inner struggle This provided a unique example of exile but also gave the characters an opportunity for enrichment The novel contains two main characters the first character being the father and the second being the boy When the story b

  • Transformation in the Relationship Between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth


    Explain the Transformation in the Relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth following the murder of Duncan Macbeth was written between 1603 and 1606 in the times of King James VIs reign a time when the stereotype for the stronger and harder gender was the male sort however Shakespeare obviously knew that making a play that contradicts this would cause a huge uproar either for or against it luckily for us it was a success and we still relish it still today Shakespeare probably did not believ

  • Presentation of Capitalism and the American Dream in Death of a Salesman


    Arthur Millers 1949 modern classic Death Of A Salesman has been said for years to be a communist attack on the American government Its critical edge ironically tragic plot and far from subtle comment on how the lives of everyday Americans are effected by the wave of overwhelming consumerism that engulfs the Western world have all the makings of a post war anti capitalist masterpiece In this essay I am going to look at and explore how the lives and relationships of the plays key characters are e

  • Richard III: Attitude Towards Women


    Explore how Shakespeare dramatises Richard III attitudes towards women Shakespeares Richard Duke of Gloucester is multifarious personality with his ambition to gain the crown of England driving his actions throughout the play Richard is a viciously self interested man seemingly uncaring about the pain that his plotting causes others Richard III follows Richards rise to power and the trail of betrayal mistrust and destruction he leaves in his wake A key theme throughout is the struggle for power

  • Presentation of Power and Governance in The Tempest.


    The Tempest was written by William Shakespeare and is accepted as this last solely written play The plot is about the rightful Duke of Milan Prospero who with his daughter have been stranded on an island for 12 years after Prosperos jealous brother Antonio sent them to sea and took over the dukedom When Antonio Alonso the King of Naples and their court are on a ship sailing past the island Prospero uses his vast leaning and magical abilities to cause a massive storm which brings them to him It

  • Hamlet as a Traditional Revenge Hero


    Revenge is a major theme in the Tragedy of Hamlet There were three major families in the play these being the family of King Fortinbras the family of Polonius and the family of King Hamlet The heads of each of these families are all slaughtered within the play Fortinbras King of Norway was killed by King Hamlet during a man to man battle thus entitling King Hamlet to the land that was possessed by Fortinbras Polonius was an advisor to the King and father to Laertes and Ophelia was nosy and arro

  • Exploring The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


    Exploring The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Many critics have explored the complexities and controversial themes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Most critics point out obvious themes of truth and honesty as well as the important theme of slavery and racism Upon exploring Huckleberry Finn the reader is brought into view two outline articles that relate to most of the important controversial themes presented in the novel In addition the reader is presented an article dealing with the impor

  • Othello as Egotistical


    F R Leavis claimed that a habit of self approving self dramatization is an essential element in Othellos make up Do you agree with this description of Othellos character Many critics have disagreed over whether Othello ever actually experiences a catharsis and acknowledges his own culpability This debate dates back to T S Eliots view of Othello as only cheering himself up and not thinking about Desdemona only himself and although Eliots argument is focused on Othellos final soliloquy Leavis ech

  • Symbolism in Fahrenheit 451


    Science fiction is a very popular theme in todays society Many see science fiction in books movies and TV shows However few know that this genre has its own motifs repeated ideas in a story Science fiction motifs include freedom of the mind unnatural creation and utopia dystopia Ray Bradbury is a great science fiction writer who utilizes all three of these science fiction motifs In his novel Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury uses symbolism to prove the idea that a utopia is impossible to create Books are

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