Childhood Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Heathcliff's Character in Wuthering Heights


    In Wuthering Heights Heathcliff is portrayed in a certain way which changes drastically throughout the novel The way in which others perceive him differs and gradually changes as the novel progresses Heathcliffs character is fairly controversial as it is unknown to the reader how he is feeling and who he really is His personality is not presented in a way that would demonstrate to the reader who he is as many of the comments about Heathcliff are from the other judgemental characters in the nove

  • Psychopathic Behaviour in The Collector and The Wasp Factory


    Explore the presentation of psychopathic behaviour in John Fowles The Collector and Iain Banks The Wasp Factory Both John Fowles The Collector and Iain Banks The Wasp Factory present characters whose behaviour can be described as psychopathic Psychopathy can be described as chronic immoral and antisocial behaviour In The Collector Frederick Frederick behaves in an obsessive evil and psychopathic way when he imprisons Miranda eventually leading to her gruesome death In The Wasp Factory Frank Cau

  • Exploring The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


    Exploring The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Many critics have explored the complexities and controversial themes of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Most critics point out obvious themes of truth and honesty as well as the important theme of slavery and racism Upon exploring Huckleberry Finn the reader is brought into view two outline articles that relate to most of the important controversial themes presented in the novel In addition the reader is presented an article dealing with the impor

  • External Influences In Macbeth And A Christmas Carol


    Explore the ways a central character is affected by external influences in the texts you have studied In both texts I have studied Macbeth and A Christmas Carol both central characters are affected by a number of external influences which in turn leads them into drastic characteristic changes What is meant by this is that the plot and story of each texts would not have unravelled if it wasnt for these significant and controlling influences which caused and put pressure and emotion on these Char

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