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  • Greed in The Cow In Apple Time


    The Cow in Apple Time Greed a primitive human emotion which reins over every facet of our worldly desires furthermore has an established bestowment over our animal counterparts in contrast a cow Robert Frosts poem The Cow in Apple Time begins with a premise of simplicity the theme of greed To make no more of a wall than an open gate the cow blatantly shows an overt exhibit of ignorance to an analytical point of view that we as humans have extended in virtually every culpable state of affairs wh

  • Dystopia in Brave New World


    Even though the utopia of Brave New World sounds perfect it is far from it In fact it is the exact opposite You would think that a world without problems would be great they get what they want and they never want what they cant get as Mustapha Mond would say With no desires for anything more than what you have it is believed that you are happy But if you look behind the ignorance you realize that everyone and everything is being controlled In Brave New World the controllers keep the society sta

  • Analysis of Dulce Et Decorum Est


    The First World War with the continuing advent of broad range communications marked one of the first instances in which the civilian public was made aware of the atrocities and hardships of battle It was especially defined as such with the overtly brutal nature of trench warfare and an a descent into chemical warfare Amidst pro war propaganda posters and a swelling sense of instilled national pride there were instances of first hand accounts from those that had traversed the front lines and see

  • Commentary on Israfel


    Israfel Israfel is a mesmerizing poem the beginning of which was first set down by Poe during his days at West Point College Allen 233 The poem itself is a direct contrast to Poes usual poetry which usually deal with death and dark thoughts or other melancholy Gothic ideas Poes idea of the death of beautiful woman being the most poetical of all topics is here nowhere to be found This proves that Poe when so inclined could indeed write about something other than opium induced nightmares and para

  • The Role the Devil Plays in both Othello and Dr. Faustus


    Examine the role the devil plays in both Othello and Dr Faustus Dr Faustus is a play by Christopher Marlowe which was first published in 1604 The play revolves around the central character of Faustus and his thirst for power and knowledge that leads him to sell his soul to the devil in exchange for twenty fours years service from Mephostophilis a devil who carries out Faustuss demands The play focuses on the idea of the downfall of those who desire too much and the damnation which falls on them

  • Prejudices of Cosmic Justice in King Lear


    In the crumbling universe of Shakespeares King Lear a world in which evil and treachery is allowed to triumph for a moment too long and goodness falters under the dominion of the former a terrible irony is made resoundingly clear The ambiguity of the victory between the binary oppositions becomes one of the most unsettling themes of King Lear who truly triumphs Perhaps more importantly what become the cruelly conceived expenses of such a victory The prevailing question of cosmic justice pervade

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