Sharpe's Devil Study Guide

Sharpe's Devil

Sharpe's Devil by Bernard Cornwell


  • Richard Sharpe ; former British rifleman who has been called out of retirement on his farm in France to travel to Chile in search of an old friend.
  • Patrick Harper ; Irish former Regimental Sergeant Major in Sharpe’s regiment, who now operates a tavern in Dublin (and also acts as a fence for stolen horses). Though he is still as strong as ever, he has also become immensely fat ("a prize boar") as a result of drinking his own wares.
  • Captain Ardiles ; reclusive and sardonic Spanish captain of the frigate Espiritu Santo that takes Sharpe and Harper to Chile.
  • Miguel Bautista ; cruel and corrupt politician who succeeds Don Vivar as Captain-General of Chile.
  • George Blair ; surly Liverpool merchant acting as British Consul in the port of Valdivia who welcomes Sharpe and Harper to Chile.
  • Lucille Castineau ; French noblewoman and farmer, Sharpe's common-law wife and mother of his two young children, Patrick and Dominique.
  • Ferdinand ; local scout who leads Sharpe and Harper safely across the mountains and is executed as punishment by Bautista.
  • Sergeant Dregara ; Spanish soldier who does Baustista’s dirty work.
  • Captain Marquinez ; young and flashy adjunct to Captain-General Bautista who facilitates Sharpe's mission.
  • Major Miller ; British marine commander working for Cochrane.
  • Captain Morillo ; Spanish commander of the Celestial Fort who warns Sharpe of an ambush and is demoted to private and sent to the mines as punishment by Bautista.
  • Major Suarez ; Spanish commander of the Chilean port Puerto Crucero who arrests and imprisons Sharpe and Harper after their arrival.
  • Lieutenant Otero ; first officer of the frigate Espiritu Santo who tells Sharpe of the Scottish pirate Lord Cochrane.
  • Colonel Ruiz ; bombastic commander of a Spanish relief regiment that travels to Chile with Sharpe.
  • Don Blas Vivar ; brave and honest aristocratic Spanish military commander who befriended Sharpe in Sharpe's Rifles and has since gone missing while serving as Captain-General of Chile.
  • Doña Louisa Vivar ; wife of Don Vivar who Sharpe had first known as Miss Parker in Sharpe’s Rifles and who sends him to Chile in search of her missing husband.


  • Napoleon Bonaparte ; French emperor exiled to St. Helena who dupes Sharpe into running an errand for him.
  • Lord Cochrane ; Scottish ex-naval officer who now serves the Chilean revolutionaries.

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