Essays on The Alchemist

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  • Analysis Of The Alchemist


    Symbols signs journeys and as the book recurrently mentions it our own Personal Legends are emphasized in Paulo Coelhos best selling novel The Alchemist Having been published in 67 languages this book talks about realizing our dreams and ultimately also having the courage to fulfill our destiny It tells us the tale of a simple Andalusian shepherd boy named Santiago who chose to listen to his heart follow the signs given to him and venture out in his personal voyage of self discovery In this jou

  • Bias Of a Narrator in The Alchemist and Perfume


    The bias of the narrator and the way a protagonist is presented is more important than said characters actions in creating the audiences perception of him or her in Perfume and The Alchemist The nature of the term bias leads one to judge someone or something under a certain influence The bias of a narrator leads responders to judge and shape a character according to the motivations of the narrator hence responders perceive the character from the narrators perspective rather than from the charac

  • Self Discovery in The Alchemist:


    The Alchemist is a journey of exploration and self discovery as we follow the main character Santiago a young shepherd who lives in Spain on a journey to fulfill his personal legend The novel shows us wisdoms and gentle reminders of how to change our lives from what they may be today into the life we have always dreamed of The novel tells us that the fear of failure is the greatest obstacle to happiness There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve the fear of failure So ofte

  • The Alchemist Compared to The Odyssey


    It is often said that if you can find a path with no obstacles then it probably does not lead anywhere Such obstacles often lead to unrecognized opportunities that can make one successful and happy This is akin to the lives of Santiago in the novel The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and Odysseus in Andrey Konchalovskiy film The Odyssey As the hero progresses on their journey they begin to learn more about themselves and they understand their quest Furthermore the obstacles the hero overcomes helps t

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