Essays on The Fountainhead

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  • Commentary on The Fountainhead


    Fighting For His Life Ordinarily if one annihilates a multi million dollar edifice especially one built to house the downtrodden poor the culprit will undoubtedly face severe penalties and jail time However Howard Roark Ayn Rands embodiment of what man can and ought to be dynamites a housing project that he himself designed known as Cortlandt Homes and receives no punishment and rightly so In the novel The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand Howard Roark appears as the main character as well as what many

  • Quote Analysis: The Fountainhead


    Excellence criticism success tradition individuality popular opinion creativity and conformity these are merely a number of the extraordinarily powerful themes set in motion in The Fountainhead In her novel The Fountainhead Ayn Rand communicates with her readers more often than not through the chief conflicts of excellence verse achievement and individualism verses popular opinion Ayn Rands book has greatly been influenced by her life experiences therefore she can relate to her audience on a mo

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