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Short Analysis of The Road Not Taken Essay


Literary Analysis

I decided to review and analyze Road Not Taken by Robert Frost. This is a well known poem read by many. And each person takes something different away from it. The poem captured my attention because, its something we all go thru. We have to make decisions in our lives every day. Some decisions are simple what will I wear today or what movie shall I go watch with friends. Other times it can be a big decision should I take this job over another job. Should I move or stay where I am. Every day we must choose to go one way or another.

The persona in the poem is that of someone who is struggling with the decision of which path to take. The speaker seems to be someone who is very serious and takes great care when making decisions. They are trying to weigh the pros and cons of each path against the other. In the end they choose the road less traveled. It seems the speaker is excited about choosing this path. They are ready to meet whatever challenges they will have along this less traveled path. But, at the end the speaker sighs you get a hint of regret. Maybe they should have gone down the well traveled path instead. But, once you make a decision you must stick with it and forge your way.

To me it takes courage to go your own way even if you know others will disapprove of your decision. In real life I think Robert Frost did take the path less traveled. For example he went to very prestigious schools yet he did not finish and gain a degree. Many would have seen not finishing school and foolish thing to do. Yet he went his own way and was able to find much success.

I used a reader response to analyze this poem. The way Frost describes the two paths that are being examined captured my imagination. When I have decision to make. I try to take not only my feelings into consideration but, also my husband and sons feelings. I try to picture how things will go and change with option 1 and do the same with option 2. I try to picture what each option will look like and how I will be in the end. I too am picturing two paths in my mind. Having to choose between to paths before, helped me to relate how the speaker was feeling. There are many things a reader can t away from this poem depending on how they read and interrupt it.


Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into Literature. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. San Diego, CA.

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