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Huck as a Role Model in Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn Essay


The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn gives a visual look at the time which the author Samuel Clemens (better known as Mark Twain) lived. He explained how he felt about his life through the eyes of a young boy named Huckleberry Finn. Huckleberry Finn has many adventures that teach him life lessons we can learn from even today. Although there are differing opinions on whether Huck Finn is a good role model for todays young people, I will explain why I think he is.

Huck is a good role model for several reasons. First he believes that slavery is wrong. He believes in treating people equally regardless of color. When Huck sees the widows runaway slave Jim on Jacksons Island, he has mixed emotions about what he should say and do. He feels badly that the widow is going to sell Jim and separate him and his family. Huck decides against better reasoning to help Jim escape down the Mississippi River to Cairo.

Another example of good role modeling is Hucks faithfulness to those he loves and cares for. Huck lies to protect Jim on several occasions. Lying is not the best thing, but to Huckleberry, the truth is not always a black and white issue. He is faithful to his friends and chooses friendship instead. He knows that Jims family needs him. In todays language, Huckleberrys reaction to Jims situation would reflect what Spoke of Star Trek says, The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

An illustration of another positive side of Huck shows us that he has a good and true heart and the best intentions even though they may not turn out right. For example, the widow tells Huck to pray for the dinner they are having. Huck says God thank you for the meal and if you get the chance, please let me catch a big catfish. The widow tells Huck that he should not pray for material things. Huck disagrees because his Sunday school teacher teaches him to pray to God for what you want, and it will be granted. The widow tells him that the teacher is talking about spiritual things. He still disagrees, and is sent to his room. Even though his intentions are the best, he still comes up short; but he keeps on trying. Finally, Huckleberry Finn thinks life is precious and should not be wasted. This is the most important lesson he can teach todays young people. Huck and Jim find themselves in a situation as they are floating down the Mississippi River in the fog. All of a sudden, they see a ferry boat and Huck jumps off of the raft to avoid being hit. He swims to shore and meets a family named the Grangerfords. Huck stays with the Grangerfords and gets to know them. The Grangerfords have been feuding with another family named the Sheperdsons.

One day a fight breaks out over love between the Grangerfords daughter and the Sheperdsons son. Huck watches from a tree in terror as the two families fight each other to the death. He realizes from this awful experience how easily life can be taken away, and that people should try to come together and work out their problems before they get out of hand.

Throughout the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, there are many instances of positive role modeling behavior, However many people think he is a bad role model for young authors reading this novel. At first sight, Hucks actions look questionable to many. I choose to look at Huck as a kid without a lot of adult supervision and support who tries to make his way in the world. He is only human and makes mistakes, but he learns from his mistakes, and that is all that any of us can try to do.

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