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Themes in Act 1 of Hamlet Essay


In the play Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, it is clear that many themes have been considered whilst this play was created, in Act one many of these themes have been shown, one mainly was revenge, in which was expressed and presented through the setting as well as the characters and the plot that arise in this period of time.

The theme revenge, emerged in early Act one, and was set up but through the use of the family circle, consisting of sins and killing. In this case, Shakespeare has used two brothers (Claudius and Hamlets father), the elder brothers wife (Gertrude) and Hamlet, the child. Shakespeare has also used a ghost to present the start of this theme, which is a catalyst of action and a powerful dramatic device. During scene Act One, Scene five, Hamlet approached the ghost due to curiosity taken control, as well as due to the fact he had nothing that he could lose, Why, what should be the fear?/ I do not set my life at a pins fee, this clearly clarifies the reason for his approach towards the ghost even though Horatio and Marcellus was forbidding him, due the ghost symbolising a bag signal, this was consequently the fact as in this context, everyone were extremely superstitious. During this scene we encounter the ghost finally releasing the reasons why he is sweeping around, and from this Hamlet seeks revenge, Ay, that incestuous, that adulterous beast and Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder, these words present how his murder was the most foul, strange an unnatural, as Hamlet realises his fathers death was due to his uncle Claudius hand and mind, 'The serpent that did sting thy father's life / Now wears his crown,' this clarifies Claudiuss lie that fooled the whole of Denmark. Hamlets immediate reaction was to seek revenge for his father as it was the key to release his anger, as in this context those who created sins were to be repaid with punishment of what they have done, and this is exactly Hamlets decision.

Language is used in plays to evoke the setting, define the characters and create and establish the conflict. In Hamlet, Act One, language has outlined many aspects such as an atmosphere of uncertainty, tension, flaws of humanity, corruption in the state and within the individual. In Act One, Scene One, the language clears states the context of time, such as in the beginning of the scene where two watchmen, Barnardo and Francisco, late at night being frightened and cautious of the ghost that is sweeping around Demark, this clearly clarifies the beliefs in the place and time in this context, such that ghost were represented as a sinful symbol and one that is very unlucky, this clearly states the people of the time, being very superstition, as if we have compared it to our times the 21st century, this would be considered normal and just a coincidence, but mostly no one would have believe it due the traditions and beliefs changing over time, this is shown by words such as Whos there? and Stand and unfold yourself. Whilst inn Act one, scene four, Hamlets use of language, also his use of speech, As in their birth, wherein they are not guilty, / since nature cannot take its origin, and As indefinite as man may undergo, shall in the general censure take corruption, clarifies that one little defect in these people, as wonderful and talented as they may be, will make them look completely bad to other people and tiny spot of evil, casts doubt on their good qualities and ruins their reputation. The use of his speech and descriptive words and meanings, portray clear setting of place and time, as well as represent the characters belief and personal qualities.

As we proceed through the book, we understand and have a further insight to the characters Hamlet, Horatio, Gertrude and Claudius. Hamlet is a gloomy prince, and his melancholy is initially due to his mother's hasty and disloyal marriage to Claudius, her late husband's brother. When young Hamlet learns from his father's ghost that Claudius murdered him, he swears vengeance. He pledges to treat his mother harshly, but to refrain from harming her and as part of his revenge plot, Hamlet pretends to have lost his sanity, from Act one, scene five, onwards, I believe Hamlet is a bit out of control, due to his overloaded anger inside of him And shall i couple hell? Oh fie! Hold, hold my heart,, due to his mother remarrying in a short period of time after the death of his father as well, as realisation of the death and murder of his father, even though he stated he will fake insanity, this could create a twist, but could he be insane, yet not knowing it? Horatio is known as Hamlets school companion from Wittenberg, he is a true friend to Hamlet, such that he visited King Hamlets funeral whilst in Wittenberg, we also learn that although Horatio is a minor character, he is the only character that gives the viewer an insight of what Hamlet is feeling, without the need for his long soliloquy. Gertrude is Prince Hamlets mother and consequently the queen, in this play, Gertrude remarries Claudius after the recent death of his previous husband, feminists would say this is Claudiuss fault, and he should take responsibility, but in the bigger picture, it is both sides fault, Gertrude should take responsibility of her own actions and think of her childs reactions and feeling towards this idea of remarrying and towards this incestuous lust. It could be said from Hamlets words that woman are frail, inconstant and deceitful. Last but not least Claudius, we learn from act 1 that he is the true murderer of King Hamlet, in order to take over the crown as well as his wife, from this we know him as deceitful and hasty.

There are many values that have been introduced in this act; this includes fate an destiny, such as the use of the repeated quote to be or not to be. The context ensures there was a strong belief in a natural order. Hamlet was at the top of the chain being of high birth and this ensured him of control and power. However, Hamlet believed in gods reasoning, "There is a divinity that shapes our ends". Shakespeare held the belief that acceptance of the fate empowers the individual. Another value is women, women werent allowed to have anything to do with politics such as relating to war, and due to the Elizabethan society being a patriarchal society in which men took action and responsibility, and women were powerless it reflects the plays composition such as the way the characters are formed and presented.

Elizabethans would have reacted to this act as very sinful, such as the murder of King Hamlet, revenge was considered a sin, and therefore the Elizabethans would have been shocked with this scene as prince hamlet was planning to revenge for his father. Also with the symbol and dramatic device of the ghost, this would also have shocked the audience as in this context, any were superstitious and every little noise of aspect would have a big meaning behind it such as the ghost, which was represented as an unlucky symbol, and due to this everyone would have been shocked and afraid, but if we compare to our context, there is a big difference is our beliefs resulting in our conflicting views. Although there are some people in our community who will still believe in these views due to religion and cultural aspects. For example, in Buddhism, Revenge is also sinful, as the belief is that if someone murders a person, Let it be, why bother seeking revenge and you yourself murdering another person, which will cause two deaths and give you a sin, if they murder then theyll go to hell, why follow on with them?

In Elizabethan times, this would have been difficult, as women werent allowed to perform on stage, which meant that boys dressed up as women. The boys were, of course, young and without experience so female characters were always relatively small and featuring only a few times throughout, this therefore creates problems due to major characters involving females such as Queen Gertrude. Ophelia and Gertrude are two of the female characters created by Shakespeare, and can be interpreted as a reflection of women's political, intellectual, emotional and social lives at that time. Nowadays due to enhanced technology and due to the change in values, for example: women, it is easier to understand the play and we can watch it anyhow, but this would have been difficult back then due to everyone crowded in the theatre room, and due to the female characters being played by unskilled males.

This play will be a great to be portrayed in a exposition as there are many conflicting values and views such as the flaw of humanity or the reasons for revenge, the religious values etc. There will be different perspectives and views throughout the play as well as throughout our minds.

As you can see, Act 1 has established a clear response to the viewers reflecting different values and interests and due to this has lead to a book of intense information of context as well as the reasons for the characters beliefs, meanings and actions.

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