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Hamlet's Delay Essay


Through out the play, Hamlet has many opportunities to avenge his father's death by murdering Claudius; however there was always something that gives us the impression something is holding Hamlet back. There are many reasons as to why Hamlet might be delaying the revenge. It could be said that Hamlet fears the consequence of killing, or maybe he doubts the ghost, it could be said that Hamlet didn't want to hurt his mother Gertrude or maybe to the fact he is a renaissance prince and doesn't believe in violence.

One of Hamlet's many reasons as to why he delays the killing could be that he is afraid of the consequence as to what will come after killing. It could be said that Hamlet is quite religious seeing that he fears his fait if murdering Claudius during his prayer, "Now might I do it pat, now a is a-praying, and now I'll do't - and so goes to heaven, and am I reneged. That would be scanned. A villain kills my father, and for that, I his sole son do this same villain send to Heaven." This shows the audience that Hamlet is religious and that he fears the result of killing, Hamlet knows that if he kills Claudius while he prays, Claudius will go to heaven, and Hamlet will have to suffer the sin of killing.

Another reason as to why Hamlet delays the murder, could be that he doubts the ghost, Hamlet conducts a play which reenacts the murder of his father to observe Claudius' reaction to it, if Claudius becomes hesitant, Hamlet will know the ghost speaks the truth, "I'll have grounds more relative than this. The play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king." Here Hamlet tells Horatio that the play he will be conducting is to show if Claudius is the murder, it also shows that Hamlet for minute did doubt the ghost.

Another reason as to why Hamlet postponed the revenge, could be that he didn't want to hurt his mother Gertrude, especially after his father warned him not to hurt her in any way "I will speak daggers to her but use non", this indicates Hamlets protection over his mother, he will "speak in daggers" talk to her with a sharp tone but "use non" to hurt his mother. It could be said that Hamlet didn't want to kill Claudius because he didn't want to see his mother suffer a loss of another loved one.

We could say that Hamlet delays the killing due to his religious beliefs. If he kills Claudius, Hamlet might have to suffer the consequence of murder, which might be that he could be damned to hell or suffer a torturous life walking the earth. It could be said this is a part of fear playing a big role on Hamlet. Risking his life to avenge his father's death might lead to serious consequence regarding himself.

Another reason as to why Hamlet delays the killing could be that he might have been waiting for the right timing. He may have been planning the murder very precisely so that he doesn't get caught and suffer any consequences. It may be said that Hamlet is a renaissance Prince, and is not a violent person but more of a deep thinker, which may be the reason that delays him from the killing. His obstacle could be his deep and troubled thoughts, thinking and analyzing everything could have lead to the delay of the murder.

One could say that Hamlet delays the revenge due to fear and anxiety of getting caught and fears what the consequence of what might awaits him if he proceeds with the killing. However one may disagree and say that Hamlet delays the killing due to his troubled deep thoughts and by over analyzing everything he knows that what he is doing is a mistake, one may say that this shows Hamlet to be a deep poetic renaissance thinker who simply doesn't believe that violence handles ways.

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