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The Character of Atticus in To Kill A Mockingbird Essay


To Kill a Mockingbird

Even though Atticus is aware of some of the roadblocks he will encounter and the fact that he knows he will not win, he still defends Tom Robinson. Atticus has values and beliefs for which he is willing to fight and he is the moral compass for Maycomb. No matter what the circumstances are, he will fight for whatever he thinks is right. When Toms case is brought up, racial tensions arise. The judge appoints Atticus to defend Tom because he thinks it is the only way Tom will get a fair trial. The children knew as soon as Atticus received the case, that there would be much controversy and humiliation from the residents of Maycomb. Although they will be wounded by many of these insults, they will grow from them too. Atticus teaches them to accept the differences from one human being to another.

Atticus, known for his strong character and commitment to honesty, will accept the trial offer. Atticus could have passed it on to someone else, but instead takes on the case for himself because of the duty he must fulfill. In doing so, his family and children are ridiculed which puts a lot of stress on everyone. Despite this, Atticus is determined to stand up for his beliefs and will follow Tom to the end. Atticus is able not to just oppose injustice, but to see good in the very people who despise him. When Scout asks Atticus why he is defending Tom, Atticus replies that if he didnt, he wouldnt be able to hold his head up in Maycomb. Atticus doesnt think his children or even himself will be able to respect him if he didnt take the case. He also reveals that he knows they will lose the case, but he tries his hardest anyways. He says, Its when you know youre licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. Although Atticus knows he will not win the case, he is determined to show the town that Tom is a human being with equal rights.

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