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Racism in To Kill A Mockingbird Essay


To kill a Mocking

Have you ever encountered a situation that dealt with race? I think everyone has in some way. Maybe someone of a different race was treated unfairly just because they're a different color. Or someone could have been given special privileges because of their race. There are many more examples than what I have listed, and each of the others could and probably is a form of racism.

Although racism doesn't appear to have the same effect on people now, as it would have in the past, it is still a big factor in our world today. African Americans are seen to be "less important" in the eyes of some white people, still. Whites are excluded from certain social groups and privileges because they're white. Mexicans aren't given equal privileges and are often taken advantage of. These all are some ways me and other people around me are affected by racism.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, I can think of two situations of racism that stand out. The first is when Calpurnia takes Scout and Jem to her church. Scout and Jem were told to go home and stay with their own kind. They were judged by their race and how the people at Cal's church felt about whites. The second situation was with Tom Robinson. Although Atticus had all the evidence to prove that Tom did not rape Mayella, he was found to be guilty because he was black.

There are many cases of racism everywhere you look. I think people's mindsets about skin color are destroying relationships and lives. Atticus to Scout to crawl into the body of other people and try to see it from their point or view. If everyone did this, maybe they would think before they acted and a lot of racism could be prevented.

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