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Love Triangles in Twelfth Night Essay


Shakespeares the Twelfth Night is a classic comedy filled with lies, misunderstandings and many love triangles. One example of this may be the Orsino, Olivia, Viola, Sebastian triangle. Although Orsino seemed to have a passionate love for Olivia, Viola is another obvious candidate for his affection. Through out Violas time as Cesario, Orsinos feelings for her seem to come out more and more. Viola is a good friend to Orsino, knows him quite well and likes him for himself, not his money or looks.

Despite several lies and misunderstandings, Viola [aka Cesario] stayed loyal to Orsino. This proving she was a good friend before anything else. Unlike most other characters in the play, Viola and Orsino had a non-sexual relationship before deciding to get married. This is further proved when Valentine says:

If the Duke continues these favors towards you, /Cesario, you are like

to be much advanced: he hath/known you but three days, and already

you are no/stranger (I.iv.1-4).

Becoming friends shows that they are a good match, because they can have an intimate relationship, while also having a mutual relationship.

In Shakespearean plays it usually does not take much for a couple to fall in love, get married etc. On the contrary Viola and Orsino had known each for three months before falling in love. Although in modern times it seems like a short amount, in 1500s it was a very long time. Through out these three months Viola stayed by Orsinos side. Going against her own will, and attempting to set up Olivia and Orsino, she showed that she had an unconditional love for him. but for thee- fellow, they words are madness. /Three months this youth hath tended upon me (v.i.93-94). Nearing the end of the play while declaring his love for Viola, Orsino pays respects to the fact that Viola has cared for him for such a long time.

While together for the three months, they were together day and night. This shows that they can live together, happily, so being married would be no problem. Also Viola knows everything, and anything there is to know about Orsino. There would be no unwanted surprises found out once they moved in together. This is reinforced in the end of the play No intrim not a minutes vacancy, /both day and night did we keep company (V.i.90-91).

Even with the slightly predictable plot, Viola and Orsinos hook-up is marginally unexpected, but having a deeper look into the Twelfth Night will obviously show that the smart and beautiful Viola is the one and only choice for the rich, cocky and sensitive Orsino.

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Twelfth Night. Oxford: Oxford University press 2001

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