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  • Family Relationships in Purple Hibiscus


    How is Family Relationships Portrayed in Purple Hibiscus According to Websters dictionary A family relationship is relatedness or connection by blood or marriage or adoption The novel Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie explores the growth process of the main character Kambili Achike as she struggles to make her mouth function within the totalitarian temperament of her father Papa Eugene a wealthy industrialist in Enugu Nigerian home Kambili is involved in a crisis with religious and do

  • Where The Red Fern Grows


    Billy Colman spots a Redbone coonhound in a fight with neighborhood dogs Billy chases the other dogs and helps the hound recover from its wounds When the dog is feeling stronger again Billy realizes he must set it free knowing that the hound will find its way home Growing up in the Ozarks with his parents and three younger sisters Billy wants to own a pair of Red Bone coonhounds but his parents tell him that the family cannot afford coonhounds One day Billy finds an article in a sportsman magaz

  • Characterisation of Homer in Tomorrow When The War Began


    In the novel Tomorrow When the War Began by John Marsden a character that surprised me throughout the text was Homer Yannos one of the teenagers that go away camping only to return and discover that their country of Australia has been invaded by a foreign power Homer and the other six teenagers must mature to the war and learn to survive Throughout the novel Homer surprised me as he displayed great courage in all situations taking initiative in order to survive He also was able to turn the nega

  • The River


    The River Brian Robeson returns from the award winning novel Hatchet in The River He survived for fifty four days in the Canadian wilderness alone with just a hatchet In Brians Winter he spent another big chunk of time in the same place with a hatchet a survival pack containing a malfunctioning signaling device and a more subdued narrator who pretty much let Brian tell the story the continuing story since Brians Winter began just before Hatchet ended and was based on the premise that the hero h

  • The Theme of Love in The Book Thief


    thebadguy The Book Thief Love is an important theme in the book thief Love presents itself in all kinds of different forms on Himmel Street There is the love between parents and children There is the love between two people who share similar circumstances There is the love felt between friends There is even an unexpected love developed between employer and employee Love is used to hold people together and tear people apart Love is what creates every bond The story is set in Nazi Germany and the

  • Commentary on To Kill a Mockingbird


    To Kill a Mockingbird is primarily a novel about growing up under extraordinary circumstances in the 1930s in the Southern United States The story covers a span of three years during which the main characters undergo significant changes Scout Finch lives with her brother Jem and their father Atticus in the fictitious town of Maycomb Alabama Maycomb is a small close knit town and every family has its social station depending on where they live who their parents are and how long their ancestors h

  • Commentary on The Scarlet Letter


    The Scarlet Letter Committing adultery in the novel The Scarlet Letter was frowned upon by all puritan community In the novel a young women named Hester Prynne is being publicly humiliated and punished by the Puritan community for committing adultery in mid 17th century Boston In The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne provides his readers with three scaffold scenes which hold a great importance to the novel The scaffold serves as a place of public punishment and shame there lies the center of a

  • Commentary on The Ring


    The story begins with a recently young married couple named Lovisa and Sigismund Lovisa and Sigismund are ages nineteen and twenty four and they are incredibly in love despite the efforts of her family attempting to keep them apart since they were more wealthy than his family Lovisa feels that she is more free by having gotten married and is delighted that she has never kept a secret from her husband Sigismund was afraid that he could not provide an ideal life for his wife which she thought was

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