Life Of Pi Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Life of Pi


    Life of Pi by Yann Martel tells the story of a young man named Pi Patel, whose family owns a zoo in India. They decide to move to Canada and transport their zoo, but the ship they were sailing across the Atlantic encounters a storm and sinks. Pi is the only survivor, as he finds himself on a lifeboat with a hyena, a zebra, an orangutan, and Bengal tiger he names Richard Parker.

  • Analysing the Sections of Life Of Pi


    The Key To Survival The novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel is divided up into three sections that at first seem fairly inconsequential to one another However shortly into the reading of the second part of the novel a reader will realize the importance and depth reached by bring these two separate pieces of work together One of the most obvious themes of the novel enhanced by strong metaphors and symbols is survival Martel is able to indirectly describe nearly every type of basic survival strategy

  • Commentary on Pi's Character in Life Of Pi


    In the novel Life of Pi by Yann Martel the protagonist Piscine Molitor Patel also known as Pi experiences many things throughout the story His biggest experience is spending 227 days in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a 450 pound tiger on a lifeboat all by himself This novel can be seen as a coming of age story Throughout the beginning to the end of this novel Pi develops dynamically from a curious and creative boy to a strong man both physically and spiritually Pi uses his creative skills

  • Analysis of Ideals and Ideology in Life of Pi


    Martel gives the reader the democratic choice the desire to believe rather than the belief itself We do not have to agree with the ideology Martel delivers but we can support to the full the way he says it for Martel inspires the readers desire by invoking the spirit of the fairy tale the simple narrative which may reveal virtues and ethics yet is primarily concerned with entertaining the reader or listener as young children often are of such stories in magical ways which powerfully invoke the

  • The Two Stories in Life of Pi


    When faced with a life or death situation some decisions may have to be made that are shameful and barbaric This is the case of Pi Patel the main character in the novel Life of Pi Left stranded in a lifeboat and forced to survive on his own after the cargo ship he was on sinks Pi finds himself doing some things for survival that are horrible He tells two versions of his survival story later an untrue version with animals and the real story He tells the untrue story so that he doesnt have to dea

  • Personal Commentary on Life of Pi


    At the end of February 2008 I started to read Life of Pi as part of my literature course I did not know the author nor the story but the fact that it won the Booker Prize in 2002 made me believe that I was going to like this book Firstly let me tell you briefly what the story is about Piscine Molitor Patel known as Pi Patel is the son of a zoo owner He is an exceptionally bright young man and shows his maturity quite clearly when it comes to religion He is a Muslim a Hindu and a Christian all a

  • The Better Story in Life Of Pi


    The Better Story In the novel Life of Pi Pi Molitor tells a story in which he survives at sea for two hundred and twenty seven days with a four hundred and fifty pound Bengal tiger When he reaches land the Japanese transportation ministers do not believe the story As a result Pi retells the story but instead of animals he used humans Nevertheless the Japanese transportation ministers believe the animal story which is the better story despite their disbelief Pis faith in God made him survive the

  • Survival in Life Of Pi


    In the novel Life of Pi protagonist Piscine Patel characters Richard Parker tiger and the zebra quickly develop survival skills on the life boat Piscine Patel Pi is a young boy from India He lives with the comfort of his Mother Father and younger brother Ravi Santosh Pis father is a zoologist and he owns the Calcutta zoo When the family travels to Canada on the Tsimtsum it sinks and tragedy rages With a tiger zebra hyena and orang utan aboard the lifeboat Pi has a lot to deal with Low supplies

  • Belief in Religion and God in Life of Pi


    In the introduction of the novel Pi says I have a story that will make you believe in God p x Lets begin by reflecting how heavy of a claim that is One must first take into consideration that storytelling has been used throughout history to instill a belief in god Holy scriptures could probably be deemed some of the best pieces of fiction of all time depending on whom you ask and how seriously they take their religion However could such a modern and relatively short story do the job some of the

  • The True Story in Life Of Pi


    The True Story in Life of Pi In Yann Martels Life of Pi there are two different stories that Pi tells to the two officials from the Maritime Department in the Japanese Ministry of Transport At the end of this novel the author wants the reader to decide which story is true The first story has animals in which Pi is trapped on a lifeboat and lost at sea with a Bengal tiger and other animals The second story Pi tells a story in which he was actually was on a lifeboat with a French cook his mother

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