Lazarus Study Guides, Literature Essays

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  • Lazarus


  • Commentary on Lady Lazarus


    Lazarus of Bethany is the subject of a miracle recounted in the Bible where Jesus restores Lazarus to life after four days of being dead Plath sees herself as the female Lazarus who has been raised from the dead three times and thus a miracle Like the sense of miracle Plath sees her deaths like Lazaruss for they dont fall into the category of usual deaths Sylvia Plath completed her masterpiece Lady Lazarus in the days before her suicide in 1963 while in a condition of disturbance suffering and

  • Mary in The Da Vinci Code


    The Da Vinci Code is a murder mystery set in modern times but its intrigue for many people has been its historical claims about Jesus and Mary Magdalene I wont summarize the entire plot here as it is familiar to nearly everyonethere are only six people in the English speaking world who have not read the bookand in any event there are numerous books written about it What Im interested in here is the portrayal specifically of Mary Magdalene which for many readers is the books most captivating fea

  • Comparison of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock and Rhapsody on a Windy Night


    The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock is a dramatic monologue that follows the personas unsuccessful quest to express his love to a woman Rhapsody on a Windy Night follows the journey of the persona down a street at night during which he is constantly reminded of his memories Both poems by T S Eliot though different have common characteristics regarding visions of journey and urban life Differences arise in how women are shown and in the rhyme and structural layout of the poems A musical link is p

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