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Humanism in Hamlet Essay


Humanism in Hamlet Essay

To refer to the term `humanism' we are directed to the Renaissance period and a very imprecise definition of its exact meaning. This is mainly because it is a very complex word in which to attach a single definition to. Therefore we have to look at it in the context in which we are seeking to analyse. To sum up `humanism' with respect to Hamlet refers to human nature and `the dignity of humanity. The Renaissance was a period which broke away from medieval thoughts and values that were now thought to be overly religious and constrictive and formed new ideas that focused upon the individual; in effect the birth of humanism and humanist thought. Medieval thinking that claimed that `the sinful, bestial aspects of humanity, which called for treating the present life as a cesspool of temporary evil that humans must reject through ascetic practices in preparation for the afterlife' contrasted greatly with the humanist thought of viewing the present life as a worthwhile event. With these new humanist thoughts it could have been possible to push religion to the side line in favour of `the potential of human beings than to the reliance of human beings on God'. In fact humanists did not completely reject God, especially considering the strength of the Catholic Church at this time, but they focused upon individuals in this life rather than the next. However, to much extent they did discard the idea of the afterlife or at least they did not concern themselves with the preparation for death.

Hamlet was undeniably an `archetype', he was a common representative of life at the time of the Renaissance, he was `everyman' but to refer to Hamlet as an archetypal humanist, we first must look at Shakespeare himself as a humanist. Of course he was heavily influenced by the classical and Renaissance ideas of `reason and of mankind and human individualism' but Shakespeare did not ever dismiss religion as untrue or the belief in God as unimportant, so in many cases he could not be entitled a proper humanist. In fact in many of Shakespeare's plays the characters often believe in devils, ghosts and witches, beliefs that were familiar and very common at this time. In this respect Hamlet has attributes of both a humanist and Renaissance man, and is simply a product of his time who is caught between medieval thoughts and new found moral choices that can be made for human, rather than religious reasons. This idea is important to dwell upon, as it seems to create a contradiction. How can Hamlet be both a medieval and a Renaissance man? Being born into a world in which religious beliefs are stamped upon him and then being faced with new thoughts that allow him to question the mere existence of humanity creates an immense inconsistency for this character. This is mirrored throughout the play as we follow Hamlet on his journey through his conscience, his `antic disposition' and what he believes is right and wrong.

Hamlet is a very famous Shakespearean protagonist but he is possibly not what we would expect from Shakespeare's leading role. In his soliloquies we are given insight into the doubts and uncertainties within Hamlet's life and we are expected to empathise with his dilemmas and moral choices. The play then turns around and we discover that it is not simply a Shakespearean tragedy or a revenge play but it is much more complex and sub-textually we can read much further into the actions of Hamlet and some of the characters around him. By doing so we can build up a picture of whether Hamlet truly was an archetypal humanist or whether he simply carried some of the initial qualities and thoughts of humanist thinking which he over ruled with traditional principles. To come to this conclusion we must, throughout, return to look at the contradictions within this play and establish whether or not this would allow us to make one final irrefutable answer to the statement, `Hamlet is the archetypal liberal humanist' or is he simply just toying with the ideas?

A good example concerning many of the issues I have discussed previously is that of the ghost of Hamlet's father. This is a major contradiction in the play in a number of ways but it is also the first major swing towards humanism that we can pinpoint upon Hamlet. His `excessive mourning' over the death of his father is a trait of humanism but it seems to be overshadowed by his use of `biblical language' which `denounce the biblical ethic' and also the request the ghost is making upon Hamlet. The ghost asks Hamlet to avenge his murder stating that it is `Murder most foul, as in the best it is,/ But this most foul, strange and unnatural.' It is viewed as unnatural as it is the murder of a brother and it was murder for reasons such as envy and for gain. In fact the ghost is of great contradiction and especially in this case of Act 1 Scene 5 where his reasons for persuading Hamlet to kill Claudius are very illogical. He claims that he exists in purgatory and is `confined to fast in fires,/Til the foul crimes done in my days of nature/ Are burnt and purged away.' The ghost highlights the unspeakable horrors that purgatory holds but yet, he still expects Hamlet to seek revenge on his murderer and therefore predetermine his own fate and reside in the same end as his father. Hamlet agrees to `wipe away all trivial fond records, / All saws of books, all forms, all pressures past/ That youth and observation copied there, / And thy commandment all alone shall live'. It seems the ghost has ordered a certain amount of justice but Hamlet himself has used his own intellect in deciding what to do; this is evidently a very humanist approach. He cares for the welfare of others which is why he cannot simply act on such a cold hearted impulse, he ponders on the consequences of his actions displaying yet more contradictions in the play. This aspect of his humanism is apparent by the way he must ensure that Claudius is truly guilty before he murders him and therefore that the ghost is not evil and intent on deceiving him. The ghost poses many questions and contradictions within the play as it is really representative of the fate and destiny that Hamlet has before him and also important in highlighting the right and wrong of Hamlet's potential decisions.

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