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Metaphor in To Kill a Mockingbird Essay


Harper Lee wrote the book, To Kill a Mockingbird to show the metaphorical similarities between a mockingbird and Atticus Finch. Atticus is like a mockingbird because a mockingbird would not hurt anyone; neither would Atticus Finch. Out of all the characters in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus most resembles a mockingbird because of his strong heartedness towards helping others in his community.

Atticus Finch is a well-respected man in the county of Maycomb, Alabama. He is a very smart man and always puts others before himself. Mr. Finch is a single parent of Jem and Scout Finch. He is one of the older parents in the county, so his kids do not appreciate him like they should. For example, when Scout and Jem ask Atticus to play football with them, he says no, because hes too old. One of the many good deeds Atticus does in the book is when he allows Walter Cunningham to trade vegetables and goods from his farm to pay for some legal work Atticus did a while back for him. Atticus could have easily said no, but once again, he wants to help someone in need. When Tom Robinson needs a lawyer, Atticus is glad to take on the task. Atticus knows people in Maycomb will be upset with him defending an African American, but that does not factor in to his decision. Tom is a man who needs help so much his life depends on it. One may think Atticus is a perfect person: hard-working, a great parent, unselfish, morally educated. A mockingbird may not have all these qualities as Atticus, but overall, their outlook on life is the same.

Why would one kill a mockingbird? In the book, Atticus and Miss Maudie tell Scout and Jem a mockingbirds job is to provide music and joy to people, Mockingbirds dont do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us. Thats why its a sin to kill a mockingbird. That quote could be metaphorically used for Atticus, also. There is not one instance in the book where Atticus does something selfish. Killing a mockingbird is unethical and immoral. Atticus shows his resemblance to a mocking bird strongly during the Tom Robinson trials, but also when Bob Ewell spits on him. Atticus just looks past that, and holds his anger. The moral value of that is to not sink down to anyones level. Atticus does not want to start a fight or make a scene, once again, being unselfish.

The metaphorical similarities in To Kill a Mockingbird are obvious throughout the book. There are many instances where Lee makes Atticus Finch similar to a mockingbird. He is wise, and is the main example of the morality in the story.

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