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Death in Tuesdays With Morrie Essay


See without looking hear without listening.. breathe without asking

---W. H. Auden

Its natural to die. That is what Morrie is trying to convey to the public in general. Tuesdays with Morrie is a book which might help reflect on life and the way things are viewed. This book tells us about a promising student and the relationship he had with his professor before and after graduation. It shows us a moment in time that is permanent to the author for the rest of his life. Also, it demonstrates the growth of the author through the teaching of his terminal professor. He had to teach until the end, he wouldnt have it any other way.

Mitch Albom, the author of Tuesdays with Morrie, had a very close relationship with his professor. Mitch took all the classes that were offered by him in college, he excelled in them, and enjoyed spending time with his professor, Morrie Schwartz. During his college days he would stay behind after the class was dismissed and simply carry on a conversation with Morrie, through this they became close. Mitch promised to stay in touch, he did not. His life was not happening the way it should have, he wanted to be famous, a musician. He became a journalist, became engulfed by his career, his money, his car, his personal life was put on hold. He did get married to a very nice woman. Mitch came across Morrie on the TV speaking about his disease ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The body slowly shuts down over time. Morrie was telling the world what he thought about his life and how he felt about death.

Mitch visited his old professor that he one day had promised that he would stay in touch with. Morrie immediately received him with open arms. They began to catch up. Talked about life and death and everything in between.

I believe that this book, which I keep trying to call a story, has affected the way I view emotions since the first time I read it. Morrie was lively, he loved to dance and enjoy life as much as he could. After he was diagnosed with ALS, he did not let that stop him, he kept pushing, and enjoying the process. Im not saying he didnt become saddened at times, but he understood. In a way I think that the reason Morrie wanted to tell Mitch all these things was because he knew Mitch needed to hear them, as do we all. Come to terms with death, accept it, embrace it. Death is just another part of life, there is no reason to fear it, many people live their lives afraid of life itself and also of death. What kind of existence is that?

Morrie, through this book, has taught me that being materialistic and selfish truly does nothing for your soul. Yes, your physical self may be content, but your soul is not satisfied. There needs to be a true feeling of having touched someone or vice versa for the soul to be content. This book is amazing. The way it is written isnt especially spectacular I must admit, but the content is cognitive. The emotion in the book is visible from the moment you leaf through the first few pages. Mitch wanted it to be more about the feeling rather than grammatically correct.

Morrie tells us to feel our emotions completely, good or bad, bask in them, dive in until you are over your head if need be, but feel them as completely as possible. Feel them as much as you can, accept them for what they are, acknowledge them, then simply detach yourself. The first time I read this book was a few years ago. Shockingly enough, what I just wrote about is the only part of the book I have remembered. I have put it into action in my daily life. I feel my emotions, then detach and simply watch. How could a man that I dont even know have such an influence on my life? He is a regular man, in a sad but regular situation, and he actually changed the way I think. I thank him for that.

The first time I picked this book up I wasnt expecting much at all. I though it was another book that I was being forced to read for yet another class. I was proved wrong. Without knowing it I had been handed a book with truths about life, that everyone knows, but doesnt realize. I was surprised by how much wisdom I found in a book that seemed so simple and boring, if truth be told. I am glad that my high school decided to introduce me to this book, if they had not, well Brenau was waiting for me.

If anyone were to ask me if they should pick this book up and read it, I would most definitely say yes. This book is an interesting piece of literature that, if allowed, will take the reader on a trip into their mind. It might help them figure out a little more about themselves that they might not have known.

Life is never predictable. This book says it better than I could possibly say it. This book is based on love for everything in our world. We need to appreciate it. I chose to end this paper the way it began, with Morrie and Morries words. The most important thing is to learn how to give out love and let it come in.

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