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Commentary on Mere Christianity Essay



Mere Christianity begins as a recitation of what is known as the moral argument for the existence of God. According to Lewis, the moral law consists of the fundamental rules by which the universe operates and to which all residing within are bound. And even though considerable intellectual resources have been expended to deny its existence, not even those making it their life’s purpose to undermine these eternal principles can escape from them try as they might.

Lewis establishes that natural law exists and moves on to examine where this eternal law originates from. Lewis postulates there are approximately two sources that this law could possibly originate from, the materialist view that the principles governing the universe arose through a process of chance and the religious view that the universe was established by a conscious mind. And since the law comes to us in the form of principles and instructions, this would seem to conclude that the promulgator of this law would have to be mind rather than inanimate matter.

Despite the fact that the universe was meant to run according to moral law, it is obvious from a quick look around that the moral agents operating within it fail to live up to these noble ideals as we are regularly aware of even our own shortcomings. As such, the universe requires a divine intervention to set things right. Lewis writes, ‘Enemy occupied territory, that is what the world is. Christianity is the story of how the rightful king has landed and is calling us all to take part in a great campaign of sabotage’. This king is none other than Jesus, whom from his own claims, must be God or, as Lewis famously points out, is a lunatic on a level with a man who says he is a poached egg or a devilish liar. It was the primary purpose of Jesus to suffer and die so that our sins might be forgiven so that we might be made whole in Him.

Fundamental as this message is to man’s eternal salvation, Mere Christianity is also full of practical observations less cosmic and more down to earth. Lewis writes, Theology is practical. Consequently, if you do not listen to Theology, It will mean that you have a lot of bad muddled, out of date ideas. Many of theology’s practical concerns manifest themselves in the form of morality.

Lewis lists morality as being concerned with three matters, harmony between individuals, the inner life of the individual, and the general purpose of human life as a whole. Lewis observes that different beliefs about the universe will naturally result in different behaviours and those closest to the truth will produce the best results.

Lewis demonstrates how this phenomenon manifests itself in a number of ethical spheres, sex being one of interest to just about all people. It is this obsession with sex, Lewis point out, that shows just how out of whack contemporary morality has become. Lewis comically comments that the level to which this biological impulse has been elevated in our own society is akin to a land where the inhabitants have such a prurient interest in food beyond nourishment and wholesome pleasure that the inhabitants watch a plate containing a mutton chop that is uncovered just before the lights go out. Ironically, Lewis points out, such deviancy is not usually the result of starvation but rather overindulgence.

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